We love dogs and cats but we need to do what is right for them, for the owners, and also for the world. There are far too many unwanted dogs and cats out there and unless you have good reason for your pets to have puppies or kittens, it is recommended that you desex them.

What does desexing mean?

Desexing basically means you are removing your animal’s reproductive system. It is a simple procedure that is done under anaesthetic, it is a quick procedure and it is a safe procedure. Your pet may have a little discomfort for a day or so, but most pets, dogs and cats, heal quickly and there are no side effects. Except for the good ones!

Desexing is also known as neutering or castration for male animals, and spaying for female animals. Here is a little more information for you, on both procedures.

Neutering your male dog or cat

We will need to book your animal in to the veterinary practice for the procedure. We prefer for the animal to come in the morning, meaning you will not feed your pet or give it water, for about 12 hours in advance. The procedure is done under a full anaesthetic, and involves the vet making a small incision in the animal and removing the testicles.

The procedure is quick, your animal will have a few hours in recovery where he is carefully monitored and then you will be called to come and collect him. Most dogs go home with a few painkillers and in most cases, an E-collar.  We will let you know when to bring your animal back for a check up and to have the stitches removed.

Spaying your female dog or cat

The rules are the same. We will book your animal in for the procedure, ensuring she has not eaten for 12 hours. The procedure will take place under general anaesthetic and we will remove the uterus and ovaries, also known as an ovario-hysterectomy.  We will keep your animal in for the day, to monitor her, and call you when it is time for collection. We will send you home with a few painkillers, and book your next appointment for a check up and to remove the stitches.

Here are a few things you should know about desexing.

  • Females do NOT need to have a litter before being desexed. There is no benefit to this.
  • Your pets will not get fat from being desexed. Their metabolism may change slightly, but as an owner, it is easy for you to control your pet’s diet. We will help you.
  • The character of your animal will not change after your pet is desexed. Male dogs may be a little less naughty or high maintenance but their personality will remain unchanged.
  • Male desexing can help with aggression in dogs
  • Female desexing can help with cats wandering the hood.
  • You are not being cruel in any way.

You can have your animal desexed after they are five months of age. Call us, and we will give you all the necessary information. Your animal is in good hands.